Building Services

Popular HRE Group® Building Services include:  Building Surveys; Defect Reports; Dilapidations; Diminution Claims; Licence for Alteration(s); Party Wall Scenarios; Schedule of Condition instructions for lease contracts; Schedule of Works; and various Expert Witness instructions. 

• Building Surveys

• Defect Reports

• Dilapidations

• Diminution Claims

• Licence for Alteration(s)

• Party Wall Scenarios

• Schedule of Conditions

• Schedule of Works

• Expert Witness instructions


HRE Group® understand the different needs and requirements faced by investors, occupiers, owners, lenders, public sector and third sector clients.

Our commercial work takes place across the building lifecycle and our clients’ hold period with ability to advise at pre-acquisition, interim and terminal dilapidation hurdle points and upon final dilapidation settlements incorporating diminution in value issues under Section 18 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1927.

Our standard building survey reporting provides technical due diligence of which incorporates building pathology and specific defect diagnosis.


HRE Group® residential building surveyors are typically instructed for pre-acquisition purposes. Our standard report templates surpass the minimum standard for RICS Level 3 Building Survey Reports (formerly known as Full Structural Survey) and can include Reinstatement Cost Assessment and opinion of Market Value.

These comprehensive surveys aim to brief clients of the asset in question and enable them to relate it to the marketplace.

In instances where we are instructed to advise upon leasehold property; we can assess building pathology and defect findings alongside contemporary management issues and advise upon potential major works and associated service charge forecasts.

HRE Group® also have RICS Expert Witness certified building surveyors that can help with litigious building matters including building defects; dilapidations; housing disrepair; party wall; and poor workmanship cases.

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