
HRE Group® help with a variety of residential and cross sector commercial valuation matters. Our reporting is undertaken by specialist Chartered Surveyors, who are Registered Valuers, under RICS Valuation Professional Standards (also known as the RICS Red Book).   

·      Accounts Purposes

·      Academies Land & Buildings

·      Acquisition & Disposal

·      Charity Act

·      Compulsory Purchase Orders

·      Court Purposes (FPR and CPR)

·      Development Appraisals

·      Diminution Claims

·      Existing Use Scenarios for Planning

·      Expert Witness & Advocacy

·      Help to Buy; Shared Equity; Staircasing

·      Insurance (RCA)

·      Marriage Value Scenarios

·      Pension Purposes (SIPP and SSAS)

·      Residential Collective Enfranchisement

·      Residential Lease Extension Premiums

·      Residential Leasehold Development

·      Restrictive Covenant Cases

·      Right to Buy

·      Short Lease Scenarios

·      Statutory Scenarios

·      Tax (including ATED; CGT; IHT; NRCGT)

·      Visa & Immigration Purposes

HRE Group® provide both quick desktop advice and comprehensive Red Book reporting. 

Red Book instructions are ring fenced and taken on in line with RICS Valuation – Global Standards (RICS ‘Red Book Global Standards’) incorporating International Valuation Standards (IVS) – together with regard for the corresponding UK National Supplement and any relevant Guidance Note to the case in question.

Such standards allow us to set basis of value and procedures within our terms of engagement and provide you with useful valuations with clear approach and methodology.

Popular Services

HRE Group® value all traditional commercial asset classes and land for a variety of purposes.  We also advise upon and value various types of residential property.  Regular instructions include:

Accounts Purposes

We help a variety of businesses with Red Book Valuation for Accounts Purposes.  We manage instructions in line with various definitions and scope and are familiar with  Fair Value for financial reporting under both IFRS and UK GAAP, as well as IVS Market Value.

Acquisition & Disposal Purposes

We cross check value for a range of purchasers and vendors in the market.  We typically report upon a Market Value basis subject to Special Assumptions where needed. 

Where instructions involve a transaction which is not at arms length, i.e. an occupier purchase, we provide advice regarding both value and worth to the Special Purchaser involved.  This can involve consideration of features where premiums might apply.  Such issues can include Good Will; Marriage Value; residual contracted rent and management of repairing liabilities.     

Charity Act Purposes

We regularly report for Charities, detailing opinion of Market Rent and Market Value for Charity Act 2022 Purposes.


Valuations are carried out in accordance with UKVPGA 8 of the Red Book and effectively provides the client with a Section 119 Report incorporating a corresponding checklist within appendices.

Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) Purposes

Compulsory Purchase is a legal mechanism by which 'Acquiring Authorities' can obtain land without the consent of the owner.

CPOs can support the delivery of a range of development, regeneration and infrastructure projects and this is where HRE surveyors are experienced with regular involvement in  'Active Buy Back' cases across London.  We regularly report to property owners and provide opinion of Market Value in line with Red Book procedures including VPGA 16, together with relevant statutory compensation derived.

Help to Buy Purposes

If you have bought a home with a loan from the Help to Buy scheme and are looking to repay, remortgage or sell your property, you will need an independent valuation.  HRE provide such reports in line with Homes England criteria, allowing you to progress your application. 

Reports provide opinion of value in line with Market Approach methodology and specific Homes England stipulations.

Insurance Purposes (Reinstatement Cost Assessment)

An RCA Report helps you quantify buildings insurance cover needed. 

Reinstatement cost is the cost of rebuilding to design and offer as inspected to its existing standard, using modern materials and techniques, and by acting in line with current Building Regulations and other legal requirements.

This includes the cost of rebuilding any ancillary buildings, boundary or retaining walls and permanent outbuildings, and site clearance. It also includes professional fees.  In the case of residential  assets, VAT is not included (except for fees).

RICS guidance advises instructing such assessment upon a 3 year cycle.  After consideration for contemporary inflation in build costs, an up-to-date RCA is especially importation currently.

Tax Purposes

HRE Group® provide clients with Red Book Valuations for a variety of tax purposes in line with the statutory definition of Market Value, allowing for assistance in line with relevant HMRC Internal Manuals.

The majority of instructions for Tax Purposes include Capital Gains Tax matters and Inheritance Tax as a part of wider Probate Mandates.

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