Terms of Service

1. Introduction

1.1 These terms and conditions shall govern your use of www.hre.group (our website).

1.2 By using our website, you accept these terms and conditions in full; accordingly, if you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you must not use our website.

1.3 If you register with our website we will ask you to expressly agree to these terms and conditions.

1.4 Our website uses cookies; by using our website or agreeing to these terms and conditions, you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of our privacy and cookies policy, https://www.hre.group/privacy.

2. Copyright notice

2.1 Copyright (c) HRE Group LTD

2.2 Subject to the express provisions of these terms and conditions:

(a) we, together with our licensors, own and control all the copyright and other intellectual property rights in our website and the material on our website; and

(b) all the copyright and other intellectual property rights in our website and the material on our website are reserved.

3. Licence to use website

3.1 You may:

(a) view pages from our website in a web browser;

(b) download pages from our website for caching in a web browser;

(c) print pages from our website;

(d) use our property search services by means of a web browser; subject to the other provisions of these terms and conditions.

3.2 Except as expressly permitted by Section 3.1 or the other provisions of these terms and conditions, you must not download any material from our website or save any such material to your computer.

3.3 You may only use our website for your own personal and business purposes, and you must not use our website for any other purposes.

3.4 Except as expressly permitted by these terms and conditions, you must not edit or otherwise modify any material on our website.

3.5 You may redistribute our news articles in print and electronic form to any person, provided you have their permission.

3.6 We reserve the right to restrict access to areas of our website, or indeed our whole website, at our discretion; you must not circumvent or bypass, or attempt to circumvent or bypass, any access restriction measures on our website.

4. Acceptable use

4.1 You must not:

(a) use our website in any way or take any action that causes, or may cause, damage to the website or impairment of the performance, availability or accessibility of the website;

(b) use our website in any way that is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful, or in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity;

(c) Conduct any systematic or automated data collection activities (including without limitation scraping, data mining, data extraction and data harvesting) on or in relation to our website without our express written consent;

(e) Access or otherwise interact with our website using any robot, spider or other automated means, except for the purpose of search engine indexing;

(f) violate the directives set out in the robots.txt file for our website; or

(g) use data collected from our website for any direct marketing activity (including without limitation email marketing, SMS marketing, telemarketing and direct mailing), without our consent.

4.2 You must not use data collected from our website to contact individuals, companies or other persons or entities.

5. Limited warranties

5.1 We do not warrant or represent:

(a) the completeness or accuracy of the information published on our website;

(b) that the material on the website is up to date; or

(c) that the website, any service or listed property on the web site will remain available.

5.2 We reserve the right to discontinue or alter any or all of our website services, and to stop publishing our website, at any time in our sole discretion without notice or explanation; and save to the extent expressly provided otherwise in these terms and conditions, you will not be entitled to any compensation or other payment upon the discontinuance or alteration of any website services, or if we stop publishing the website.

5.3 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and subject to Section 6.1 we exclude all representations and warranties relating to the subject matter of these terms and conditions, our website and the use of our website.

6. Limitations and exclusions of liability

6.1 Nothing in these terms and conditions will:

(a) limit or exclude any liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence;

(b) limit or exclude any liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;

(c) limit any liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law; or

(d) exclude any liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.

6.2 The limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this Section 6 and elsewhere in these terms and conditions:

(a) are subject to Section 6.1; and

(b) govern all liabilities arising under these terms and conditions or relating to the subject matter of these terms and conditions, including liabilities arising in contract, in tort (including negligence) and for breach of statutory duty, except to the extent expressly provided otherwise in these terms and conditions.

6.3 To the extent that our website and the information and services on our website are provided free of charge, we will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature.

6.4 We will not be liable to you in respect of any losses arising out of any event or events beyond our reasonable control.

6.5 We will not be liable to you in respect of any business losses, including (without limitation) loss of or damage to profits, income, revenue, use, production, anticipated savings, business, contracts, commercial opportunities or goodwill.

6.6 We will not be liable to you in respect of any loss or corruption of any data, database or software.

6.7 We will not be liable to you in respect of any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage.

6.8 You accept that we have an interest in limiting the personal liability of our officers and employees and, having regard to that interest, you acknowledge that we are a limited liability entity; you agree that you will not bring any claim personally against our officers or employees in respect of any losses you suffer in connection with the website or these terms and conditions (this will not, of course, limit or exclude the liability of the limited liability entity itself for the acts and omissions of our officers and employees).

7. Important Information relating to properties listed on our website

Particulars: Any property particulars are not an offer or contract, nor part of one. You should not rely on statements by Aitchison Raffety in the particulars or by word of mouth or in writing (“information”) as being factually accurate about the property, its condition or its value. Neither Aitchison Raffety nor any joint agent has any authority to make any representations about the property, and accordingly any information given is entirely without responsibility on the part of the agents, seller(s) or lessor(s).

Photos: The photographs show only certain parts of the property as they appeared at the time they were taken. Any computer-generated images, or sketch drawings gives only an indication as to how the property may look and this may change at any time.

Measurements: Any areas, measurements and distances given are approximate only.

Regulations: Any reference to alterations to, or use of, any part of the property does not mean that any necessary planning, building regulations or other consent has been obtained. A buyer or lessee must find out by inspection or in other ways that these matters have been properly dealt with and that all information is correct.

VAT: The VAT position relating to the property may change without notice.

Information on the website about a property is liable to be changed at any time.

8. Accessing our site

8.1 Our site is made available free of charge.

8.2 We do not guarantee that our site, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted. Access to our site is permitted on a temporary basis. We may suspend, withdraw, discontinue or change all or any part of our site without notice. We will not be liable to you if for any reason our site is unavailable at any time or for any period.

8.3 You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to our site.

8.4 You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access our site through your internet connection are aware of these Terms and Conditions of Website Use and other applicable terms and conditions, and that they comply with them.

9. Variation

9.1 We may revise these terms and conditions from time to time.

9.2 The revised terms and conditions shall apply to the use of our website from the date of publication of the revised terms and conditions on the website, and you hereby waive any right you may otherwise have to be notified of, or to consent to, revisions of these terms and conditions.

10. Assignment

10.1 You hereby agree that we may assign, transfer, sub-contract or otherwise deal with our rights and/or obligations under these terms and conditions.

10.2 You may not without our prior written consent assign, transfer, sub-contract or otherwise deal with any of your rights and/or obligations under these terms and conditions.

11. Severability

11.1 If a provision of these terms and conditions is determined by any court or other competent authority to be unlawful and/or unenforceable, the other provisions will continue in effect.

11.2 If any unlawful and/or unenforceable provision of these terms and conditions would be lawful or enforceable if part of it were deleted, that part will be deemed to be deleted, and the rest of the provision will continue in effect.

12. Third party rights

12.1 A contract under these terms and conditions is for our benefit and your benefit, and is not intended to benefit or be enforceable by any third party.

12.2 The exercise of the parties’ rights under a contract under these terms and conditions is not subject to the consent of any third party.

13. Entire agreement

13.1 Subject to Section 6.1, these terms and conditions, together with our privacy and cookies policy, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and us in relation to your use of our website and shall supersede all previous agreements between you and us in relation to your use of our website.

14. Law and jurisdiction

14.1 These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law.

14.2 Any disputes relating to these terms and conditions shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.

15. Statutory and regulatory disclosures

15.1 We are regulated by the RICS (RICS Firm Registration Number 862310) details of which can be found at www.rics.org.

16. Our details

16.1 This website is owned and operated by HRE Group LTD.

16.2 We are registered in England and Wales under registration number 10766872 and our registered office is at Holborn Gate, 330 High Holborn, London WC1V 7QH.

16.3 You can contact us:

(a) by post, using the postal address given above;

(b) using our website contact forms;

(c) by telephone, on the office contact numbers published on our website ; or

(d) by email, using the email addresses published on our website.

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